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PRACTICE :: Create Calm By _/\_ Bowing In


PRACTICE :: Create Calm By _/\_ Bowing In

Prasarita Padotanasana

Wide-Legged Forward Bend



Arborvitae invites you into our higher energy centers, so that we may learn to live with peace and joy by trusting the abundant flow of grace. It is also a grounding oil, which helps you to find balance in our lives and know what you should hold close and what you should release.

Arborvitae means "to sacrifice." This oil encourages you to sacrifice your personal will and ambitions in favor for a far more fulfilling way of living. By surrendering to the greater Intellect, your mind relaxes and your soul experiences harmony and peace. It asks you to take a deep breath, and trust in the flow of life.

CHAKRA: This quieting pose helps to bring energy into your crown chakra, or the gateway to the subconscious.

I love this pose to pause any time of day and reset my nervous system. It's like a magic elixir when I'm feeling anxious or drained and I only have a minute.  It doesn't even require a mat or yoga clothes.  Not only does this posture create length and space in the spine, the physical act of bowing in is a means of self-honoring.

BENEFITS: This quieting pose helps to:
- CALM your mind
- BOOST your energy and mood
- CREATE clarity for more creativity to flow
- RELIEVE mild backache
- EASE headaches and insomnia
- STRETCH your hamstrings, calves, hips and spine
- TONE your legs while stimulating your liver and kidneys 


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