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RITUAL :: Recipe for Sweet<>Slumber.


PRIORITIZE the power of a peaceful sleep....

SPACE :: Clear your space and create a calm place to rest. When our outer environment is cluttered, we lack the space inside that we need to let go and unwind. And, make it dark. Any amount of light signals our brains to stay awake. If that’s not possible, wear a sleeping mask. If it’s noisy where you sleep, try using a white noise machine to neutralize sounds.

SATURATE :: Drink water often — and early in the day (so you’re not up all night going to the toilet). Aim for a little more than half your body weight in ounces daily. When you’re dehydrated, you tend to feel wired when it’s time for bed and tired when you wake up in the morning.

SITUATE :: Get in bed 8 1/2-9 hours before you have to wake up. This gives you time to relax and fall asleep. Most of us need 8 hours (a very small percentage of the population needs less).

SYNERGIZE :: Turn off your TV and shut down your phone and other devices an hour before bed. This is very important. Read a book instead (not on your kindle — again, the light disrupts our sleep hormones).

SYNCHRONIZE :: When you get in bed, place your hands on your belly and begin the “same breath” practice. Inhale for three counts, and exhale out for three counts. Repeat this for a total of five breaths. Then, try inhaling for four counts and exhaling for four — for a total of five times. Move on to five counts, five times. Then move back to four counts, and finally back to three. Feel your mind clearing and your body relaxing deeply.

*If you tend to wake up in the middle of the night, try the breathing practice above or do some gentle stretching like child's pose and cat/cow until you feel sleepy again.


RITUAL :: {Intentional Thinking}


RITUAL :: {Intentional Thinking}


Each morning I CHOOSE MY STATE. 

I sit quietly, close my eyes, and state out loud my DIVINE purpose and intention.

Purpose: To help others DISCOVER their most VIBRANT health and well-being.

Intention: To access my Highest Self  with love— and with kindness — and make choices that support my own RADIANCE all day long.

Why do this?  So that we may ELEVATE OURSELVES HIGHER and become present in the moments when we forget — so that we may fulfill our divine purpose on this planet each and every day.

When I stay connected to my purpose, it brings me back to the source of it all.  I experience life entwined in gratitude and grace.  It helps me smile and remember who I am, why I'm here.  This remembrance informs my choice of actions, thoughts, words, and movements. I am one with ALL.  And that, by definition, is YOGA.   


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