Each morning I CHOOSE MY STATE.
I sit quietly, close my eyes, and state out loud my DIVINE purpose and intention.
Purpose: To help others DISCOVER their most VIBRANT health and well-being.
Intention: To access my Highest Self with love— and with kindness — and make choices that support my own RADIANCE all day long.
Why do this? So that we may ELEVATE OURSELVES HIGHER and become present in the moments when we forget — so that we may fulfill our divine purpose on this planet each and every day.
When I stay connected to my purpose, it brings me back to the source of it all. I experience life entwined in gratitude and grace. It helps me smile and remember who I am, why I'm here. This remembrance informs my choice of actions, thoughts, words, and movements. I am one with ALL. And that, by definition, is YOGA.